A. Culture Influence To Management style
Culture is value system embraced and mores which there is in public / organization. According To James AF Stoner, value system and public mores will influence organization exercise, equally mirror culture will in company organization structure.
Though culture influences company management but basically function of management is really planning, organization, straffing, leads and observation.
B. Management of West Style
Organizational arisen as consequence from government agency, religious and army, herewith arises concept about leadership, control spread, coordination, control, and functional peculiarity ( functional specialization ). management of Occidental style in colouring sosiality, desire of efesien and effectiveness.
Professionalism character in x'self of the managers and segregate between someones as social creature and creature spiritual with someone as manager professional is company management individuality of West. Profitability is esteemed height once, although is not absolute, continuity of long-range often is majored compared to with height of profitability.
C. Management of Japan Style
According To Sayidiman Suryohadiprjo, about management of Japan style that is life philosophy making account of Makoto, is meaning seriousness in all life area, included in executing everyday job(activity, makes its(the success Japan chartered investment counsel. All culture influences presents specification of management of Japan, with marking as follows :
1. The relation of job(activity for a lifetime, that is that a company or government
body receives very new employee one year. This more than only an unique
wisdom, be above bottom such life facet and job(activity is integrated.
2. Decision making system ( ringgi ), that is formal decision-making processes by
circularizing all proposals ( what named nemawashi ) to reach consensus in
organization. System analysis ringgi emphasizes possibility to participate created
and oriented at consensus confessed in process of before proposals is submitted
by signed by collective decision taker and division of responsibility.
3. Evaluation and promotion, that is doesn't major from at one particular certain area. Mean that a worker in a working company more than 10 years, hence will be promoted to higher level other part x'self.
4. Paternalism, that is arranging the relation of chummy fatherhood between member of Japan borne from solidarity between religions Budha, Shinto and Konfucius and code of ethics Bushido realized in organization of Japan company. Japan Manager obviates individual responsibility, company decision is decision of cluster taken on the basis of consensus so that nothing that responsible personally. Elementary in essence non authority, but wa ( compatibility ) reached through queer balance between units marked by identity and in its entirety.
5. Total quality control ( TQC ) that is business which totally to make something becoming more and more good, by the way of strarting it is well, does it is well so that result of his(its is good and earns until last consumer hand or consumer well.
a. Main principle of TQC is:
1. Majors quality
2. Process following
3. Controller based on fact
4. Process control
5. Humanity aspect
b. Quallity control Circle ( QCC ), has duty to control and looks for situation of resistances and mistakes for improve;repaired, consisted of a group of Japan company employee ( between 5-10 mans ) is working outside office hours with a purpose to looks for because annoyed it improvement of quality total led by someone who assumed very credibility.
Purpose Of QCC embraced internationally is as follows:
a. Renders repair and develops company.
b. Receives and esteems humanity reality from making job(activity unit as bed of down to work.
c. Pays attention to individual ability fully and throws away dicey possibility.
D. Management of Indonesia Style
Fact so-called management of Indonesia style till now still have not is or reality has not, but trying to create a management system typical of Indonesia coming from culture values, that is familiarity character, cooperating and deliberation, what formulated then principles in Five Principles, that is:
1. Principle firstly is fastened with development principle of man as fully his(its in meaning of company besides paying attention to physical prosperity also pays attention to prosperity of spirituality from the employees.
2. Second principle can be interpreted as business is not to quicken man as factors of production and so that man labour is not entangled as cost factor ( cost factor ) mere.
3. Principle third emphasizes to importance of national is having precedence over from at other importance.
4. Fourth principle, interpreted that decision making of intracorporate worker.
5. Fifth principle subjects to purpose of which wish to be reached by company beside maximum income, also justice for all man who is having intracorporate importance.