We present this blog as information means, and advertisements in around business world. Basically man as social creature is not quit of economics problem, in the modern epoch like at the moment, without economics wheel speed of man haves no to fulfill its(the basic necessities. Undeniable the thing again according to fact and reality man requires money to be able to take care of good: their/his self, family, even people who is loved [by] it. Having immeasurable source of earnings from various work types it is of course every when and every time always colours economics world, which where interaction between one with other without recognizing limits teritorial political, more than anything else in the modern epoch like present, the thing hardly is supported with its(the existence development of telecommunications world & information, between her which had non strangers(foreigners again with online system through the internet.
There by we present at this blog, as supporting facilities for information about business world, to assist to the entrepreneurs easily gets information is now about business world.
Hopefully information which we present useful, and can assist you in its(the business, no word again from us, only utterance hopefully succeeded and realized [by] all its(the dreams.
Definition of Management and Organizational
Management comes from English, that is management with vb. to manage which indium general burdens manages. Word of management always used for leader an organization, where place of people who does activity to lead.
Organization is a system having the character of sosio - chartered investment counsel - technical. Sosio means peripatetic indium and is movement of the system is man. Economic meaned activity indium system aim to fulfill requirement of human life and technical meaned indium activity is used [ by] possession, certain equipments and way, thus management is an inwrought step runs developing an organization ace a system having the character of sosio - chartered investment counsel - technical. From third of the character most importantly is sosio because more important man than moneys ( chartered investment counsel ) and equipments ( technical ) because that is man must become management principal focus.
According To Stoner, management is planning process, organization, leader, and observes effort for from member of organizations and from source of organizations the other to reach purpose of which has been specified, While Paker Follet defines management ace art to does something through others.
1. Modern Management Task
In reaching purpose of organization, the managers must receive the existence of strength which will give form to organization either now or then [by] day. Trend happened in business area, at the moment is:
a. Life cycle result of produce of increasingly short.
b. Technology has just changed operating method which there [are].
c. Legal capital demand would more and more height.
d. Governmental investment more and more.
2. Organizational As System
System is a gathering of interacting part and hinges and is arranged in such a manner causing yields an entirety. In system will be received input that is then is changed or processed to yield output.
3. System Types
System classified as open system and closed system. Closed system that is thing self contained with characteristic that is most dominance is disregard area. While open system acknowledges dynamic interaction between systems with area.
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