Functional Management Areas
1. Be each other interrelationship between areas management.
Organization is a system consisted of by interconnected element.
Interconnected production with responsibility from human resource, human
resource from standard, marketing from produce of and so.
2. Management of Human resource. Man is all important element indium success
of a business. Ace human resource manager does two functions that is:
function of manajerial and function of operatif. Function of manajerial is
activity arranges creation and addition usefulness of goods or service,
while function of operatif covers:
a. Obtains labour, gets number of and quality of labours ace
required to reach purpose of organization.
b. Develops labour, by the way of practice to add skill that
ace according to skill required to is able to implement duty
with good.
c. Make-good, indium the form of recompensation that is proper
and enough to their contribution to attainment of purpose of
d. Integration, firms up between labour individuals, public
and organization.
e. Defends x'self, that is: that permanent organization stable
of and everlasting.
f. Cuts loose, return of labour to place of initialy that is
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